Celebrating International Clean Hands Week with an Insightful Experiment

Clean hands have always been a fundamental aspect of good hygiene, but during annual flu seasons and in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, everyone needs a reminder of how many germs live right at our fingertips! At Science is Elementary, we believe understanding the science behind clean hands can make a difference, especially for children.

Washing your hands has played a pivotal role in mitigating the spread of COVID-19. The virus lingers on surfaces and objects, and when we touch these contaminated surfaces and then touch our faces, we unknowingly introduce the virus into our bodies. Regular handwashing with soap for at least 20 seconds or using hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol can effectively remove the virus from our hands. This simple practice has been our first line of defense against COVID-19, alongside vaccination.

As we approach the flu season, clean hands remain just as important. Proper hand hygiene can reduce the risk of transferring flu viruses from surfaces to our nose or mouth, preventing illness and the strain on our healthcare systems.

Engaging Kids with a Fun Experiment

A great way to teach children the importance of clean hands is by showing them how many germs are present! Here's a simple experiment you can try with kids to demonstrate the presence of bacteria on their hands:


  1. A petri dish

  2. Sterile agar gel (available at science supply stores or online)

  3. A marker


  1. Prepare the petri dish by pouring a thin layer of sterile agar gel into it. Allow the gel to solidify.

  2. Press their hand onto the agar gel gently.

  3. Seal the petri dish and mark it with a name and date.

  4. Place the petri dish in a warm, dark place for a few days (3-5 days).

  5. After a few days, you'll see the agar gel covered in colonies of bacteria on their hands. These colonies will vary in size and color, illustrating the importance of clean hands.

International Clean Hands Week reminds us of hand hygiene's critical role in keeping us healthy. By instilling good handwashing habits in children and engaging them in fun experiments like the one mentioned above, we empower them to take an active role in preventing the spread of illnesses, including COVID-19 and the flu. Let's celebrate this day by committing to healthier hands for ourselves and our children for a safer and more vibrant future!


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