Giving Preschool Teachers a Headstart on Integrated Science Education

Last week, Science is Elementary staff Tzipor Ulman and Jennifer Urmson led an interactive workshop for the Region Nine Head Start Association.

The Science is Awesome, Science is Everywhere, Science is for Everyone: Promoting Scientific Thinking Skills in Preschool Children workshop helped more than 40 participants learn how to guide children in developing scientific reasoning skills by building on their innate curiosity through play in our everyday settings. 

Participants discussed the interconnectedness of science and play and how to foster a love of science through directed and free play. They also had fun with hands-on experiments and explored the use of social stories and discussions in the development of scientific reasoning skills and language skills. 

What did the teachers think? 

The workshop kicked off our newest program, professional development for preschool teachers and staff. Find out more about this innovative and much-needed program at


Science in Action: Copters


Expanding Girls’ Horizons in Science and Engineering Month