SiE provides books to more than 20,000 kids in December

Children in underrepresented communities all over California have received more than 20,000 SiE books and hands-on science kits in December alone! You did read that correctly: 20,000 kids from the south bay out to Salinas, up through San Francisco, throughout Oakland, over to Stockton, and down to Merced explored science in an accessible and relatable way. How amazing is that?

Now, you may be wondering how we achieved this incredible feat. Well, it's all thanks to our corporate partner, Rainin. They donated their warehouse space and assembly line team to receive all materials and pack the 20K kits. Their support and dedication made all the difference in making this project a reality.

We also received in-kind donations from Brentwood Ace Hardware, Dowling Magnets, and The Watkins Co. These generous donations were instrumental in allowing us to reach even more children and pack more kits.

Thanks to the support and dedication of our corporate partner and generous donors, we provided science education to underrepresented communities in a way that was accessible, fun, and engaging.

The schools that received SiE Books include:

  • Salinas City Elementary School District

  • Dreamers Roadmap

  • YMCA San Francisco 

  • R.O.C.K.

  • Mission Graduates

  • Lincoln Families

  • Achieve Academy

  • BookSmart

  • Village Project Inc.

  • San Jose Parks, Rec, & Neighborhood Services

  • University of the Pacific

  • Boys and Girls Club of Greater Sacramento

  • Merced City School District

  • HomeworkCentral

  • YMCA San Joaquin County

  • Oakland Unified School District


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Scientist of the Month: Dr. Jennifer Doudna