Volunteer Spotlight: Heidi MacKessy

Heidi MacKessy works as a mechanical design engineer at Milpitas-based semiconductor manufacturer KLA. KLA sponsors our program at Alexander Rose Elementary and has long been a corporate supporter of Science is Elementary.

In the spring of 2021, Heidi was appointed as Science is Elementary’s corporate representative to KLA. After volunteering at her own children’s elementary school, she wanted to continue inspiring students.

“Having an opportunity to work helping kids learn science was a great way to share my love of both science and engineering,” Heidi explained.

In addition to helping in the classrooms, Heidi organized 25 other KLA volunteers to assist in Milpitas schools this year. “It’s fun to work with co-workers and get to know people in other divisions of KLA,” she said.

Heidi thinks that the structure of our classes for young kids aids their understanding of scientific ideas. “The kids become interested by telling a story they can relate to, but once they do the experiment, they understand and remember the principle being taught,” she shared.

What experiment did the youngsters find most enjoyable? “The kids love a surprise,” she said. She recalls a first-grade lesson where she enjoyed the children’s excitement at watching the salt grains jumping on the small speaker, showing that sound causes vibrations.

“I believe that the kids will develop a habit of looking for evidence when presented with new concepts and data,” she said. The students will not be intimidated by science when they go into higher grades. I believe that every kid will benefit from learning about science, but for some, it will lead them to a career in science or engineering. That is a huge benefit to them and for all of society.”


Teacher Tip: The Power of Questions.


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