Workday assembles SiE books for nearly 1000 kids

Volunteering is a key component of Science is Elementary’s mission. It's amazing to see how much impact a group of like-minded individuals can make by working towards a common goal.

Workday employees are a shining example of how giving back can make a big impact. The company recently rallied its employees to assemble just under 1K SiE book kits for spring and summer distributions to needy kids. In addition, Workday is matching every volunteer hour with funding - an incredible gesture that will benefit so many children.

This amazing effort shows just how powerful it can be when an organization puts its heart into something. The books these dedicated volunteers provided will help expand countless kids' imaginations - and we can only begin to imagine what great things they will create with their newfound knowledge.

Thank you, Workday, for showing us all the possibilities that come from stepping up and making an impact.

If you are interested in a great team-building activity that helps bring hands-on science to kids! Assemble SiE Books! We provide instructions and all the materials. Reach out to Chelsey for more information.


Science in Kindergarten? Absolutely.


A salute to our classroom volunteers