Join us in marking this milestone by supporting Science is Elementary's mission to ignite curiosity and inspire the next generation of scientists!

Suggested donation in Celebration of Science is Elementary’s 15th anniversary

Additional levels of donations

Your donation will directly impact our efforts to provide hands-on STEM experiences to children, fostering a lifelong love for learning and exploration.

A contribution of any amount will continue to expand our reach, bringing interactive science education to even more schools and communities. Together, let's equip children with the skills and knowledge they need to thrive in an ever-evolving world.

Other ways to support SiE

Did you know that you can donate to Science is Elementary from your donor advised fund (DAF)? You can have your DAF advisor send a check to our mailing address, or contact us for more information.

Have appreciated shares you’d like to donate for an even bigger charitable donation? Contact us to learn more.