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Pre-School Professional Development

Learn strategies to help students develop critical thinking skills and foster innate curiosity to spark a love of learning.

Inspire your students with professional development customized for pre-school teachers.

  • Learn fun, engaging science activities for your classroom.

  • Enhance skills that guide children's investigations.

  • Empower students' problem-solving skills.

  • Build increasing knowledge and skills for your career path.

  • Learn strategies to help students develop scientific thinking skills and foster innate curiosity to spark a love of learning.

Our learning experiences

Interactive opportunities to enhance what you're already doing, including:

  • Perfect Partners: Integrating Science and Literacy in Preschool

  • Science is Play and Play is Science

Why SiE’s professional development program:

  • Teachers will consistently improve their practice.

  • The curriculum is customized for each preschool site with input from school leadership.

  • Experience the joy of science: all sessions are hands-on.

Teachers love us!

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