Rinat Goren

SiE Books Illustrator & Curriculum Advisor

Rinat’s interest and involvement in science education began when her daughters were in elementary school. While their education was excellent in some areas, the science curriculum was lacking.

She researched science curricula at several schools and found that much of it was theoretical and segmented. Consequently, students had little or no understanding of science and were uninterested in it. Rinat helped rebuild the science curriculum to focus on true understanding of basic science concepts. The new curriculum ties abstract ideas to concrete concepts and makes connections to everyday life using hands-on, experiential activities.

​Rinat is excited to work with SiE because it is a rare opportunity to directly affects elementary school students; inspire them in person to grasp new concepts, use reason and think critically.

She is inspired by the volunteers who dedicate the time to work with us and by students who show me that they 'got it' with brightness in their eyes. Rinat holds a BS in Physical Therapy from Tel Aviv University.