Kids dig composting

Composting is an eco-friendly activity involving the decomposition of organic waste to create nutrient-rich soil. It's a wonderful way to teach children about the importance of sustainability and environmental care. The benefits of teaching composting to children include:

  • Reducing waste - Composting is an excellent method for handling organic waste. Instead of throwing food scraps away, they can be used to create compost, reducing the waste in landfills.

  • Soil health - Compost is a natural fertilizer, and it's rich in essential nutrients like nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. These nutrients help to improve soil health, which means healthier plants and a healthier planet.

  • Environmental impact - It helps reduce greenhouse gas emissions. When organic waste decomposes in landfills, it releases methane gas, which is a potent greenhouse gas. Composting prevents this from happening.

  • Cost-effective - It’s a cost-effective way to create nutrient-rich soil for gardening. You don't need to buy expensive synthetic fertilizers when you have a compost bin.

  • STEM-based learning - Composting is a great way to introduce children to scientific concepts like decomposition, nutrient cycles, and the microorganisms that make decomposition happen.

Composting is a straightforward activity in which children can get involved at any age. And since today is National Learn About Composting Day, here’s how you can help kids learn about and create their own compost.

  1. Collect food scraps - Encourage kids to collect food scraps like fruit and vegetable peels, eggshells, and coffee grounds. Have them place the items in a compost bin.

  2. Add brown materials - Teach kids about the importance of adding brown materials like leaves and twigs to the compost bin. These materials help to balance the nutrients and provide oxygen to the compost.

  3. Monitor the compost - Encourage kids to monitor the compost's progress by checking the temperature, moisture, and smell. This will help them learn about the decomposition process.

  4. Use the compost - Once it is ready, use it in your garden or give it to friends and family. Kids will love seeing the results of their hard work.


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