When learning science is passed on

As the end of the school year, our graduating fifth-grade students at Montague Elementary in Santa Clara have geared up to culminate their Science is Elementary experience in a unique way. They prepared short science lessons for the kindergarten students by working in small groups to select a concept and experiment they thought the younger kids would enjoy.

This opportunity not only allows the fifth graders to demonstrate their knowledge and expertise in science, but it also provides them with a chance to develop a deeper understanding of these concepts as they plan out ways to explain them to others. In the past, the presentations have included testing the pH of liquids using a cabbage juice indicator, testing the designs of paper copters, looking for evidence of chemical reactions, and demonstrating the conservation of matter in a chemical reaction.

Reflecting on what they have learned through the years, the fifth graders act as leaders to the kindergarten students. For many of our fifth graders, Science is Elementary has been a part of their educational journey since kindergarten. What a wonderful way for these students to give back to the program that has been such a significant part of their academic success.

We applaud their efforts and look forward to seeing their impact on the kindergarten students.


Scientist of the Month: Alan Turing


Kids dig composting