Volunteer Spotlight: Anqi Zhang

This month, we highlight, Anqi Zhang, a scientist and researcher at Stanford University.

What do you do professionally?

I am a postdoc researcher in Bioengineering and Chemical Engineering at Stanford University.

How did you hear about SiE and what made you decide to give your time to our cause?

I attended the info session Jennifer gave in 2021 and immediately signed up.

In the previous science outreach programs I participated, the youngest students were in high school. The idea of teaching science to elementary school students was unique and fascinating. When I was in elementary school, I only learned scientific concepts from textbooks, but rarely had the chance to do hands-on experiments. The activities designed by SiE looked fun and engaging for young children. I wish I had the opportunity in elementary school.

You come with two other volunteers from Stanford. Are there any benefits to volunteering with coworkers?

Definitely. I told my coworkers about SiE, and they all became really excited. As academics, we always want to gain more teaching experience, and SiE offers a very unique opportunity to work with kids. We carpool from the office to the elementary school. It’s also a great opportunity to bond more with my coworkers and a nice break from work.

Do you have a favorite activity or memory from a lesson?

My favorite activity was making parachutes. This was the lesson where the kids learned about gravity and air resistance, and we made parachutes for pencils using plastic bags. The kids were so excited, they were running around in the classroom testing their parachutes. It made my day.


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